There is no scary feeling like seeing you seeing smoke emanating from your hood while on that road trip you have planned all year. Your summer drive may be interrupted or even halted if you cannot take precautions to prevent further damage to an overheating engine. Do not panic even when the temperature gauge indicated the red "H," instead take the following precautions to avoid further engine damage
What to Do and Not Do When Your Car Overheats
- Pullover the side of the road to have your engine checked. Ensure it is a safe spot to avoiding risking the lives of other motorists
- Check the coolant level and add if you have it and the gauge is low
- Turn off the AC immediately to stop overworking the engine. Instead, turn on the defroster with the heat and fan speed at high
- Roll down your windows because it is about to get hotter inside your car.
- If you are still stuck in traffic, it is wise to try your best to increase coolant circulation by putting the car in park or neutral and Common then hitting the gas pedal
Common Causes of Overheating
Your car will overheat mainly because the cooling system is not functioning optimally. This system that should circulate the antifreeze or coolant to the radiator through the engine and keep it at standard temperature may begin to fail due to the following reasons:
Too low or no coolant
Always ensure that the coolant levels are at the proper levels as recommended by your manufacturer to avoid overheating
Cooling system leaks
The coolant reservoir may be low mainly because there is a leak in the cooling system. Check for puddles or spots on the ground.
Broken water pump
The water pump facilitates coolant supply in the engine. However, if there is a blockage due to dirt, the coolant may not circulate properly to cool the engine
Radiator issues
When the radiator fan is not working correctly, it cannot remove heat from the coolant and facilitate cooling the car's engine
Thermostat failure
The thermostat failure often regulates engine temperatures like the one in a home
A plugged-up heater core
If this heat exchanger is compromised, the coolant may not flow efficiently to prevent your engine from overheating
Call For Assistance or Visit Us Today
If you need engine repair assistance immediately, we invite you to bring it to reputable professionals. Give us a call or visit our auto repair shop today for help!