Posted on 5/30/2019

Alignment services are very important for vehicles as they ensure there is not tire wear that occurs exceedingly quick and alignments help maintain easy control of the vehicle. A car that is misaligned, which can occur due to an accident or hitting a curb or pothole, can be very difficult to keep moving in a straight line. A misalignment will cause one or more of the following issues to happen. If you run into any of these problems be sure to head to your local auto repair shop for a wheel alignment to return your car to a safe drivable condition. Hard Pulling Pulling is the term given when a vehicle tries to move left or right without any direction from the driver. There are two types, the first of which is hard pulling. This means you have to physically fight the steering wheel to keep the car moving straight. Soft Pulling The other type of pulling, soft pulling, is very subtle. If you have a loose grip on the steering wheel you may notice your vehicle begin to drift ... read more
Posted on 5/21/2019

Car trouble can be experienced in a variety of forms, and many times drivers are unsure if there is actually a problem on board or if they're just noticing something that is temporary or haven't paid attention to before. While not every odd occurrence that happens while driving will make you want to head for the auto shop there are some car issues that will likely make you ask yourself "Should I call the auto shop if..." My car is leaking fluid? Nothing should ever be dripping from your vehicle so be sure to contact your local auto shop if you notice a leak. The most common types of automotive fluid leaks include oil leaks, coolant leaks, brake fluid leaks, power steering fluid leaks and transmission fluid leaks. My car is making a strange noise? A consistent sound that suddenly arises in your car should usually be checked out by your local auto mechanic. A few common examples of car troubles that are diagnosed by sound include low brake pads, which resulting in a squea ... read more