Posted on 5/30/2018

It is pretty easy to control your car, isn't it? If it weren't for bends in the road it seems that new vehicles could essentially drive themselves. Imagine a road with no bumps, no curves, and no other obstacles; a brand-new car could handle this drive with ease since it is designed to cruise straight as an arrow for as long as can be. However, roads like this just aren't the case. But if you do find yourself on a straight road and your car is seemingly driving itself to the curb it may be caused by poor wheel alignment. If you experience any of these symptoms of alignment trouble be sure to head to a local auto shop right away to restore the drivability of your vehicle. Pulling Sensation As mentioned, a car that drives to the side of the road without any human interaction is likely suffering a symptom of a bad alignment. This phenomenon is referred to as vehicle pulling. You may experience hard pulling, which makes it feel as if you are fighting with the steering wheel to keep the car ... read more
Posted on 5/2/2018

One of the biggest repairs that you may ever need to do for a vehicle is conduct an engine rebuild. This is often an extreme service, but it can be much cheaper than the alternative, which is often to simply by a new car. During a rebuild an engine is completely disassembled and rebuilt, returning it to a like new condition. So when should a rebuilt be completed, and how do you know if it is time for an engine rebuild? Read on. Reasons for an engine rebuild There are a couple main reasons why an engine rebuild may need to be completed. Worn engine bearings - The engine bearings support the motion of the moving engine parts, such as the crankshaft, rods and pistons. They do wearout after many, many thousands of miles of use, but their wear is acceled if the engine is ran with low oil. Poorly seating piston rings - The piston rings seal in the expanding gases created by the burning of gas in the engine. If they don't seat properly oil can get into the combustion chamber. Signs it i ... read more