Posted on 3/17/2021
Most modern vehicles use a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). It uses a series of sensors to track tire pressure. Most vehicle manuals spell out the recommended pressure for driving and below which a driver should take action. When the tires are significantly underinflated, the TPMS low tire pressure indicator on your vehicle's dashboard light comes on to warn you. The warning light illuminates with a yellow color on your vehicle's dashboard in the form of a wheel's cross-section. Many vehicles may even display a low-pressure message and indicate the exact tire where the pressure is low. Driving Through A TPMS Warning Light When the indicator shows the low tire pressure sign, pressure has fallen below the manufacturer's recommendation. Do not wait for the indicator to illuminate to get the pressure checked. Make it a habit to constantly check the tire pressure to ensure you maintain the necessary mileage in your driving and avoid getting stuck on the road when th ... read more