Posted on 3/30/2017

There are a few simple maintenance services you can have completed to your vehicle to improve its current MPGs, which would be a great idea to do now as we head into the summer driving season. In addition to the tune up there are a few good driving habits to keep your fuel efficiency up as well. Check out these simple tips to get better miles per gallon so you can spend more time on the road and less money at the gas station during your next road trip! Auto Maintenance Tips Routine auto maintenance is crucial in order to extend the life of your vehicle, but it also helps improve MPGs Check out these simple maintenance tips to increase your fuel economy. Keep tires properly inflated - Tires that are under-inflated take more power from the engine to turn, so keep that rubber pumped up! Change the spark plugs - Spark plugs are what create the tiny explosion that powers the pistons up and down. If the plugs become dirty they may misfire, which is not only a big waste of fuel but can ... read more
Posted on 3/2/2017

There are few things more convenient than having a vehicle available to you in order to run errands, get to and from your place of employment or for pure enjoyment purposes. If you want your vehicle to be ready to take you on your next great adventure it is important that you provide it with all the necessary maintenance services that it requires. This includes things like fluid flushes, filter replacements and oil changes. That last one there is utterly important in regard to the operation of your car. Here are four important reasons to be sure that you have the oil changed on time every time your car is due. Reduced Operating Temperature The oil in your engine reduces the operating temperature in two ways, helping the cooling system prevent overheating. The way first is by absorbing heat produced by the engine. Oil is able to do this when it is new because it is scientifically engineered to do so; as oil ages it loses its ability to do this. The second is by actually reducing the amo ... read more