Posted on 7/21/2021
The way you handle your vehicle on your everyday commute significantly impacts your fuel economy. Whether gas prices are rising or not, you can still save some money by making minor adjustments to your driving habits. Here are some of the best tips and practices to ease the pain of paying at the pump. How to Get the Most Out of Your Gas Slow down. According to Consumer Reports, driving faster on the highway can significantly take away from your car's fuel efficiency. As you might know, the harder we accelerate, the more fuel ends up getting used. Avoid unnecessary braking. Additionally, when we frequently press on the brakes, we also waste the power used beforehand to get up to speed. To save some coins, avoid unnecessary braking whenever possible. Travel light. Remove any unnecessary stuff that has been sitting in your car. Heavier items are not fitted for long-time storage in your vehicle, especially if you want to maximize your fuel economy. Not only w ... read more