Posted on 2/22/2022

A sputtering car can be unnerving, and it usually means there's trouble that needs fixing. These signs indicate that your car is either running out of gas or not able to combust properly. It can happen at low or high RPMS, depending on the situation. Let's break down some possible circumstances that can cause your engine to sputter: Scenario #1: Fuel System Error A common cause of a sputtering motor, especially upon stepping on the gas, is a malfunctioning fuel system. The fuel filter, pump, and injectors work in tandem as part of one joint system. Over time, the fuel system collects a lot of dirt and debris. It only takes one part to go down to take the entire system down. As a result, you may experience poor engine performance, and of course, engine sputtering. Scenario #2: Faulty Spark Plugs Spark plugs play an important role in igniting the air and fuel for combustion to occur. And it is always providing the necessary spark, even after you start the car. If they're ... read more