Posted on 8/25/2018

Drops in performance are common as cars age and rack up the miles on their odometers. Thankfully a lot of these performance issues, which can result in poor fuel economy or difficulty accelerating, can be reversed with minor auto maintenance. If your vehicle is giving you any sort of performance trouble be sure to contact your local auto shop so that proper diagnostics and services can be conducted, but chances are, it'll take minor maintenance to get you back up to speed. The following are a few simple services that will certainly help restore performance. Fuel Filter A clogged fuel filter is going to prevent the correct amount of gasoline from getting to the engine. This will result in the motor struggling to produce power as it doesn't have enough gas to burn in the combustion chamber. Replacing the fuel filter is relatively simple on most cars and trucks. Air Filter Another issue that can cause problems in the combustion chamber is a dirty air filter. If the fi ... read more
Posted on 8/2/2018

Nearly all people have poor driving habits that can result in damage to their vehicle. However, the more informed you are about what can cause damage the better driver you will become, helping to elongate the life of your car. There are several bad habits that many drivers have that can cause a transmission to suffer from premature wear and tear. These issues could result in a need for transmission repair or even a rebuild much earlier in the life of the transmission than it normally should. Be aware of these bad driving habits that take their toll on the transmission! Driving in traffic While this isn't so much about a bad habit as it's just the way things are in today's stop and go world, driving in traffic, especially with a stick shift, can cause major damage to the transmission. But there are things you can do to help avoid excessive wear on the clutch. Be sure to leave plenty of room between you and the next car so you can continuously drive without having to constan ... read more