Posted on 8/22/2017

Modern cars and trucks are full of sensors and other devices that are designed to help inform drivers about potential problems with their vehicle. However, even the most technologically advanced automobiles can't detect every single issue. Sometimes, all you need is a pair of ears to determine that something isn't quite right. If you ever hear strange noises coming from your car it's a smart idea to visit the auto repair shop for diagnostics and service. The following are a few of the most common noises you may encounter if your car is having trouble operating. Grinding Noises Grinding noises are a fairly common sign of trouble, but it is important to pay attention to what you're doing when the noise occurs. Brakes - If you encounter a grinding noise when you apply the brakes then it is safe to assume that the brake pads are low and in need of replacing. Transmission - Grinding noises that can be heard as the transmission shifts often indicates that ... read more
Posted on 8/3/2017

When it comes to automobile safety there is nothing that is quite as important as the breaks. While features such as airbags and seatbelts are great in the event of an accident, it is the brakes that will prevent that accident from ever occurring. Should you ever notice any of these signs of brake trouble it is imperative that you visit a local auto repair shop as soon as possible. It is up to you to keep your car safe to drive. Grinding Noise One of the most common symptoms of braking issues is a grinding or squealing noise that occurs as you slow your car. This is most often do to completely worn brake pads. The sound that you are hearing is metal grinding on metal. The longer you wait to have this repaired the more damage that the brake system will endure. Pulling When you hit the brakes the vehicle should continue in a straight line, or whichever direction you intend for it to go. If the car pulls to the left or to the right as you try to stop then there is a good chance that your ... read more