Posted on 8/15/2019

The air conditioning system in your car is very unique in the way it operates compared to other systems in your vehicle. Not only does AC play an important role in keeping you comfortable as you drive down the road, especially in the heat of the summer, but it can allow for safer driving conditions. If you notice that your car's air conditioner is no longer providing you with the cool breeze you desire for your commute, be sure to reach out to a professional auto shop that can diagnose and repair the issue. Let's dive into a few of the most common causes of automotive AC failure. Refrigerant Leak A common cause of air conditioning trouble is a refrigerant leak. Automotive AC refrigerant leaks can be very difficult to detect because the refrigerant evaporates on contact with air. To find a leak an ultraviolet fluid must be introduced into the system. This test will be performed after a technician tests your air conditioner for low refrigerant pressure and comes back with a pos ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2019

When it comes to car trouble there are some issues that just can't be ignored. While you may experience a phinicky volume knob on the radio that drives you nuts, it isn't necessarily imperative to fix it for optimal driving performance. Some issues, on the other hand, are a bit more serious. If you encounter any of the following signs of engine trouble be sure to visit the auto shop as soon as possible. Remember, delaying engine repairs will only allow the problem to get worse, resulting in a need for expensive repairs. Excessive Exhaust Smoke One of the most common signs of major engine trouble is excessive exhaust smoke. Depending on the color of the smoke you can often tell what sort of trouble is brewing. For example, white smoke could indicate an internal coolant leak, while blue smoke is a sign that oil is burning up inside the combustion chamber. Metal in the Oil When you have the oil changed in your vehicle be sure the technician inspects the oil drained from your c ... read more
Posted on 7/26/2019
The suspension system has multiple important roles when it comes to ride comfort and safety. While many people understand that the suspension is responsible for keeping your journey smooth by absorbing bumps and bounces, it does much more than that. The suspension system is tasked with keeping all four wheels on the ground, thus ensuring adequate braking power at all times. It is also responsible for preventing the vehicle from rolling over during cornering. If you run into any of these signs of suspension failure be sure to head to the local auto repair shop right away so you can keep your car safe! Oily Struts Struts, a component of the suspension system, utilize a special oil that allows them to absorb the cracks and bumps that riddle the roadways. If the struts crack or a seal breaks and this fluid is allowed to leak from their casing you will quickly find your ride is much more uncomfortable. If your ride comfort changes always be sure to inspect the struts right away in order to ... read more
Posted on 7/1/2019

Modern automobiles are extremely technical machines that are equipped with upwards of 50 computers and sensors. These inform drivers about potential issues with their car the nearly instant they begin. Because there are so many of these sensors that can tell if trouble is brewing sometimes we forget that our own senses can identify issues these computers can't. It is important to pay attention to how your car is driving. If you notice odd noises or vibrations or other issues while driving your car there is a good chance a problem needs to be addressed. For proper diagnostics be sure to visit a local auto shop right away! Engine Knocking Sound A knocking noise coming from under the hood that rises and falls with engine RPMs is often caused by worn engine bearings. The engine bearings support the motion of the moving parts of the engine and if they become worn out due to poor lubrication or the general wear and tear that comes with high mileage, this knocking sound will star ... read more
Posted on 6/20/2019

Having the oil changed is one of those things we often do for our cars without thinking about too much. But if you were to check out the oil shelf at your local mechanic or auto parts store, it may make you dizzy how many options there are. It's important to note how your vehicle runs after receiving an oil change to ensure that the technician didn't fill you up with oil that isn't providing proper protection. If you notice any of these symptoms of wrong oil in your car be sure to get to a reputable mechanic for proper diagnostics and repairs. Hard Starting While particularly true in cold temperatures, the wrong oil can make it hard to start your vehicle in all types of weather. This is due to the wrong viscosity causing the oil to be too thick to correctly lubricate moving parts, which results in excessive friction and resistance while trying to start the vehicle. Oil Leaks The incorrect oil can result in sudden oil leaks because of how different oil types flow through ... read more
Posted on 6/2/2019

All cars and trucks require routine auto maintenance to remain safe and reliable. Unfortunately, many of these services get overlooked until well past the date they should have been completed in the first place. Scheduled services help prevent breakdowns and other car troubles, so always be sure to provide your car with the services it needs, which is more than oil changes. The types of service required by your particular vehicle may vary by model, but it's necessary service schedule can be found in the owner's manual. Here are 5 often overlooked auto maintenance services most vehicles require to remain safe and reliable. Differential Service Particularly true for vehicles used for towing or hauling big loads, differential service ensures the gears and bearings in the differential don't suffer excessive wear and tear. This service entails draining the existing fluid and replacing it with fresh gear lube. Coolant Flush Nearly half of all engine failures are caused by cooling system rel ... read more
Posted on 5/30/2019

Alignment services are very important for vehicles as they ensure there is not tire wear that occurs exceedingly quick and alignments help maintain easy control of the vehicle. A car that is misaligned, which can occur due to an accident or hitting a curb or pothole, can be very difficult to keep moving in a straight line. A misalignment will cause one or more of the following issues to happen. If you run into any of these problems be sure to head to your local auto repair shop for a wheel alignment to return your car to a safe drivable condition. Hard Pulling Pulling is the term given when a vehicle tries to move left or right without any direction from the driver. There are two types, the first of which is hard pulling. This means you have to physically fight the steering wheel to keep the car moving straight. Soft Pulling The other type of pulling, soft pulling, is very subtle. If you have a loose grip on the steering wheel you may notice your vehicle begin to drift ... read more
Posted on 5/21/2019

Car trouble can be experienced in a variety of forms, and many times drivers are unsure if there is actually a problem on board or if they're just noticing something that is temporary or haven't paid attention to before. While not every odd occurrence that happens while driving will make you want to head for the auto shop there are some car issues that will likely make you ask yourself "Should I call the auto shop if..." My car is leaking fluid? Nothing should ever be dripping from your vehicle so be sure to contact your local auto shop if you notice a leak. The most common types of automotive fluid leaks include oil leaks, coolant leaks, brake fluid leaks, power steering fluid leaks and transmission fluid leaks. My car is making a strange noise? A consistent sound that suddenly arises in your car should usually be checked out by your local auto mechanic. A few common examples of car troubles that are diagnosed by sound include low brake pads, which resulting in a squea ... read more
Posted on 4/28/2019

So you've spotted something a small puddle under your car and it certainly isn't rain water. The little drip, drip, drip that's creating it may not seem like a big issue upon first glance, but you're going to want to do a double take. Chances are that little leak can lead to big trouble if not taken care of. Your car uses a variety of specialized fluids to operate and should they fall below their required levels numerous issues with safety and reliability can arise. Let's look at five common types of automotive fluid leaks to see what happens if they go unrepaired. Coolant Leak Your car's cooling system uses coolant, also known as antifreeze, to reduce the engine operating temperature. A coolant leak will surely lead to overheating which can result in a need for major engine repairs. Transmission Fluid Leak If you spot a reddish fluid leaking underneath the forward half of your car it is likely transmission fluid. Transmission fluid is hydraulic liquid designed to help shift gears, co ... read more
Posted on 4/6/2019

We rely on cars and trucks day in and day out to get us where we want to be, or more often, where we need to be (cough, cough, the office). Since it is so simple to jump in the driver's seat and go we often don't stop and consider what the car is comprised of or what it is capable of doing for us. The next time you're ready to go, think about these incredible facts about cars and you'll be thanking your car for all of the hard work it puts in for you! 50 - The number of organic compounds that make up that "new car smell."95 - The average vehicle spends 95 percent of its life parked.8 - In 1896 the first speeding ticket was issued to a driver traveling at 8 miles per hour in a 2 miles per hour zone.18 - The percent of American drivers capable of driving a manual transmission.6 - The number of months it would take to drive to the moon at 60 miles per hour.267 - The fastest production car ... read more