Posted on 12/14/2016

It isn't all just about the check engine light, however that is a good clue that something is wrong. When it comes to engine trouble it is important to listen, look and feel your vehicle out to really see how well it is running. There are numerous signs that your vehicle could give you if the engine is having issues. If you notice any of the following signs of engine trouble don't hesitate to get in touch with a professional mechanic for further diagnostics. Excessive Exhaust Smoke One of the first things many people notice if their car's engine is in trouble is a large amount of exhaust smoke. Depending on the color of the smoke you can sometimes diagnose the issue at hand. Blue smoke represents burning oil, white smoke is an indication of burning coolant and black smoke means too much gasoline is being used. Rough Idle If your car seems to sputter while driving or at an idle it may be suffering from some sort of engine trouble. However it could be a simple fix, like installing new s ... read more
Posted on 11/22/2016

Driving a vehicle seems like relatively simple thing to do, but what's happening behind the scenes is incredibly complex. The mechanics of an automobile are extremely intricate and with many parts being ran by sensors and microprocessors, your car actually has more computing power than the spaceships that landed on the moon! One of the most complex systems in your car is the transmission. This part is responsible for sending the power created by the engine to the wheels, which it does via the driveshaft. If the transmission begins to struggle due to age or lack or maintenance you may run into one or more of the following issues. If you do, don't hesitate to reach out to your local auto repair shop for transmission service. Grinding Noises One of the more common issues associated with transmission trouble is grinding, whining or squealing noises that occur while shifting. These noises often represent a lack of transmission fluid, which can hinder the operation of the transmission. Any f ... read more
Posted on 11/2/2016
As a vehicle owner it is your responsibility to ensure that your car remains safe to drive. This entails providing it will all the maintenance it needs as well as paying attention to any signs of trouble. The following are common symptoms that indicate your car could benefit from brake repair. Because the brakes are your car's number one safety feature it is important that you don't hesitate to have these issues resolved. It is up to you to keep your vehicle in proper operating condition. Should you experience any of the following problems be sure to get to the auto repair shop right away! Grinding Noises Your brakes should not ever make any noise, but if they do it is likely because of one of two reasons. The first is that some brake pads are designed with a mechanism designed to pop up and scratch the drum or rotor to let you know that your pads are low. The second is because your brake pads are so low metal is grinding on metal. In either case get them replaced right away. Soft Brak ... read more